Contributions and Spotlights  

Tutu Cute Inc. has contributed to the community majorly by donating and most of all  giving back for a good cause. Within a year the two  designers have donated over 50 tutu's and accessories and sponsored many events. Here are some highlights below:

  • Dec 2010- donated 31 tutu's to the community by arranging a Christmas Trivia for each day of the month.
  • Dec 2010- contributed to Chan Denise Budhoo for her preemie Care Packages for the Christmas holiday.
  • Dec 2010- donated to First Class Productions for Toys for Tots. Tutu Cute Inc. gave away 5 Holiday tutu's. Here are a few of them below!
  • April 2011- Monetary donation to Safe Passage for RobynK located in Japan. God Bless the surviors and the souls that passed from the Tsunami and Earthquakes.  
  • Sponsored Miss Mini Runway 2011 and Miss Tiny Runway 2011.

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